Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Narrative Story

this is the link to a narrative story

Breezie James' last memory on June 14, 2006 is eating chili with her
step-grandfather Bud Jevyak in a diner around 7 p.m. The next thing she
remembers is five days later, waking up in a hospital bed, tubes and needles
sticking out of her everywhere.

For The Master's College volleyball player,
what happened in between
those two memories turned out to not only be a
life-threatening experience,
but a life-changing one.

Driving on Interstate
80 in Cozad, Nebraska on the way to a family
reunion in Iowa, James was sleeping
in the back seat of an old Explorer
while Jevyak was driving. Jevyak was 79, and
didn't really believe in
wearing seat belts. James was sleeping, so she didn't
have one on either.

At 4:30 a.m. on June 15, the rear passenger tire blew,
and though Jevyak
tried to get the car back under control, it went airborne.
Jevyak was thrown
from the vehicle after the first flip and died instantly.
James endured five
rotations in the air before being ejected.

The list of
James' injuries is longer than most would want to have over
an entire lifetime,
let alone all at once.

Her nose was completely crushed, as well as her left
eye socket. She
broke five ribs, and her jaw was broken in three places. James
lost two
teeth and broke 17 others. She suffered a punctured lung and fractured
of her shoulder blades.

The plot line is her being able to live a normal life and play volleyball again when people said she would not be able to. Even though she went through a horrific accident, she overcame it all and can live her life the way she wants to.

1 comment:

Mariel said...

Yes, this is dramatic tale. Good job.