Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My bio

My name is Renee Stuart. I am a 22 year old graduating senior at California State University Northridge. I am majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in public relations. This is my blog for the journalism 310 class that meets on Wednesday afternoons.

I have lived in Southern California my entire life, so I did not want to attend school far away. My parents and my brother still live in Santa Clarita, where I am from. My brother just started school at a local community college, so it is nice to be close to him in case he needs help.
Staying close to home let me work close to home and go to school at my convenience. I work at a coffee shop in my home town. I also work part time with my mom. It is just to make a little extra money while I am in school.

In the very little free time I have, I try to hang out with my boyfriend, Casey. We have known each other for four years now. I still have my best friends from elementary school that I see occasionally. One of my best friends and I are even in the same major. So it is nice to have her around.

I am just a normal girl trying to make it through school and start my life.


Mariel said...

Nice concise opening post.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.